Kellie Bernardi
Kellie Bernardi
Health & Kellness
Holistic Health Coach
Taking new appointments
Virtual visits
Profile validated by HHC
Atlanta, GA

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 10am - 5pm EST


NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT); ACE Certified Health Coach (IHC); Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP - Pending)


Kellie Bernardi is a Holistic Health Coach recommended and screened by the Holistic Health Collab for her expertise in Female Personal Training.

About Me:

I'm a certified Personal Trainer + Health Coach (+ pending Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) based in Atlanta, GA. My approach focuses on education so that you have access to all of the tools and resources that you need to be successful in your personal wellness journey. It’s all about learning sustainable + realistic habits that last forever, one day at a time.

Area of expertise:

Fitness + personal training, weight loss, strength training, health coaching, hormone health, gut health, blood sugar balance, metabolism health, body confidence, positivity + mindset, stress management, food cravings, acne, healthy lifestyle

Why I love what I do

I love what I do because I can encourage + help people to live their healthiest life, each and every day. It is a joy seeing my clients' reach personal achievements and also build trust in both themselves and their body to uncover what it's fully capable of.

How I hope to help you: 

My goal is to show you that you can achieve the healthy lifestyle that you desire, while still enjoying all of the foods you love (hello tacos + margaritas!). All it takes is a little bit of balance. I want to provide you with all of the education and resources to be successful in your journey, wherever that may be.

What your expectations of working with me should be

You can expect me to be with you every step of the way. Answering questions, reaching out to check-in, providing positive encouragement and support, etc. I want your journey to be personalized and successful, so I will do whatever I can to make that happen.

States I operate in: 

Atlanta, GA (in-person) but I can also work anywhere virtually

If you are interested in learning more about working with a Holistic Health Coach like Kellie, you can visit her website here.


Contact Details

Atlanta, GA

Reviews (5)

After completing the Well Balanced program with Kellie & Jessica, I have the most knowledge and confidence I've ever had when it comes to a healthy lifestyle! I had previously tried many diets, meal plans, you name it, and none of them seemed to work well for me. I was working out often but not seeing the results I felt I should see, so I knew I was missing something in the kitchen. As the name suggests, the Well Balanced program taught me healthy and effective methods for living a balanced but not restrictive lifestyle. We live in a complex world and the Well Balanced program focuses on how to achieve mental and physical wellness in ways that are easy to incorporate into busy lifestyles. Jessica and Kellie provide a unique and welcoming atmosphere to discuss all aspects of health and wellness and how they are all connected to each other. You will be surprised how much you can learn and incorporate in just 8 weeks!
The Well Balanced program was such a great investment! I have tried other programs in the past, but Well Balanced definitely took my education to a whole new level. I loved learning about so many different topics - such as how to better manage my blood sugar through diet, healthy snacks to have on hand during busy work weeks, and how to incorporate more mental health practices into my day-to-day life. It was great having Jess and Kell with me throughout the journey as well - it made me feel less of a "number" but rather someone they truly cared about getting to know. Since the program ended, I have lost over 15 pounds and feel healthier than ever! I recommend Kellie and her Well Balanced program to anyone trying to change their life for the better!
Being a part of a program where you learn to create lasting habits for both your mental and physical health has been amazing! I’ve tried every diet in the book and saw results but it was never sustainable. This program has helped me to build well rounded meals, create daily habits that put you in a more positive mindset rather than make you feel guilty for eating one piece of candy. I can honestly say working through this 8-week journey with a group of women also going through the same thing was refreshing, and helps you feel not alone in this quest to find what balance in your life means. I can not say enough great things about this program and how amazing Jess and Kellie are!!!
With everything going on in 2020, I realized that I needed to slow down and really invest in myself. Well Balanced has been the perfect fit! Kellie and Jess have broken down each week into manageable sections so that you can actually digest the information and make meaningful changes little by little. Historically, I had been one to make dramatic changes all at once and I always ended up crashing and burning out. Well Balanced helped me to get out of that rut, and now I have the tools and knowledge to make smarter decisions for my body without depravity. Adding in the mental health aspect has also been tremendously powerful. It can be so easy to compartmentalize nutrition, fitness, and mental health, but if I have learned anything, it’s how connected the three truly are. I have had an absolute blast learning from Jess and Kellie, and it has been so fun working with and encouraging other women that are in the same space through Well Balanced. If you are looking for the full package, this is it.  
Participating in the Well Balanced program was the best thing I have done for myself in a really long time. I think what set this apart for me the most was talking through some of the mental roadblocks we set for ourselves. Having Jessica there to prompt us into these conversations was refreshing and motivating for me. It was a huge part of my success in tackling the nutrition side of things and not getting caught up in the evil yo-yo of dieting. This also wasn't your typical '"here's a meal plan and workout routine'' type program. Kellie provided a wealth of knowledge for how to fuel your body to get to optimal function. It was extremely eye opening and has allowed me to focus on what matters to make my body feel healthy and strong. These are principals that have set me up for continued success. 

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If this is a medical emergency, please immediately call 911 to get prompt medical attention.

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